The National Caregiver Support Program Offers Helpful Resources

The Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000 authorized creation of the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) to assist thousands of family members who care for older loved ones (as well as grandparents and older relatives who care for children).

Area Agencies on Aging, like Care Connection, are among the local, state and federal entities responsible for implementing this program. NFCSP helps caregivers access valuable information in a timely, relevant manner. Other services include:
  • Resources vital to helping individuals remain in their homes and communities
  • Caregiver assessments aimed at matching needs with available services
  • Care Management which includes developing care plans, arranging services, coordinating services among providers, referrals and other services
  • Individual counseling, support groups and a variety of training programs
  • Respite care
  • Supplemental services like home or vehicle modifications, assistive technologies, emergency response systems, equipment/supplies, transportation services, legal and financial planning
To learn more, contact Care Connection for Aging Services at 660.747.3107 or 1.800.748.7826. Or send email to

NFCSP also reaches out to special populations that may not be connected to service delivery networks. The Eldercare Locator is a service that connects people to resources. Call 1.800.677.1116 or visit