The Power of Prayer

Why pray? Because Prayer is Freeing
Human nature has a deep, innate desire to be heard, understood and free. Prayer satisfies all of these desires and offers soul (mind, will and emotion) peace.

When our souls are at peace, there’s a connection between mind, body and spirit. This connection promotes healthy thoughts and actions and empowers us to deal with negative forces that consume our strength and compromise our health.

God listens to our prayers. And His ability to understand those deep, inner most yearnings is immeasurable. Knowing that God hears us, understands us, and responds to us is fuels our faith and repositions us to see life, problems and challenges from a Divine perspective. This paradigm shift uplifts, encourages and empowers us to face life with courage and strength.

Praying in Community with Others
Whether your place of worship is at a church, cathedral, synagogue or in the comfort of your own living room, praying with others spews forth a spiritual energy that’s undeniable. Praying with and among others is edifying, as it reinforces our central beliefs and reaffirms our faith. It breaks down barriers and strongholds that may have plagued us the night or week prior. It shifts our focus from our personal perspective to God’s sovereignty and omnipotence.

Praying Helps Us Age with Dignity
God cares about us completely—from the little details of our lives to the really huge ones. This means He cares about how we feel about growing older, and the challenges we face as we grow older. To bring about a monumental perspective shift about aging requires this one thing: taking everything to God in prayer. Allow Him to work out the details. Draw from experiential faith (everything God has delivered you from in the past). Trust that His timing is always sufficient. This type of faith enables us to grow older with courage and dignity.

Helpful Resources:
Helpguide: Spirituality, Prayer and Healing
Spirituality and Health
Center for Spirituality and Aging